

















例えば、Pythonの仮想環境の構築方法や、デバッグ方法、Google Colaboratoryの使い方、gitの使い方、パスが通らない為に表示されるエラー、などです。

本講座では、実際に使用するGoogle Colaboratoryのソースコードを丁寧に解説した資料を配布しますので、プログラミング学習に不安を抱いている方でもスムーズに学習を進めることができます。






















例えば、Pythonの仮想環境の構築方法や、デバッグ方法、Google Colaboratoryの使い方、gitの使い方、パスが通らない為に表示されるエラー、などです。

本講座では、実際に使用するGoogle Colaboratoryのソースコードを丁寧に解説した資料を配布しますので、プログラミング学習に不安を抱いている方でもスムーズに学習を進めることができます。




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Are you ready to take your programming skills to the next level? Look no further than our course on Creating Virtual Assistants with Python and ChatGPT! With this course, you will learn how to create powerful chatbots that can interact with users in natural language.

In this course, you'll learn how to create powerful virtual assistants that can understand natural language and respond to your commands. You'll be able to create interactive conversations and automate tasks with ease. Plus, you'll gain valuable skills that are in high demand in the tech industry.  Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a Virtual Assistant expert. Sign up now!

With our easy-to-follow tutorials and step-by-step instructions, you'll be able to quickly master the basics of chatbot development. Sign up today and start building your own chatbot with Python!

ChatGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) chatbot platform that enables developers to create intelligent chatbot applications powered by the latest advancements in NLP technology. It is designed to be used in customer service, e-commerce, and marketing applications.

This is a beginners course, but you should already know the Python programming language. Besides the Python programming knowledge, there are no requirements for this course. If you want to get started with ChatGPT or build Chat bots or Virtual Assistants, this course is for you!

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Are you ready to take your programming skills to the next level? Look no further than our course on Creating Virtual Assistants with Python and ChatGPT! With this course, you will learn how to create powerful chatbots that can interact with users in natural language.

In this course, you'll learn how to create powerful virtual assistants that can understand natural language and respond to your commands. You'll be able to create interactive conversations and automate tasks with ease. Plus, you'll gain valuable skills that are in high demand in the tech industry.  Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a Virtual Assistant expert. Sign up now!

With our easy-to-follow tutorials and step-by-step instructions, you'll be able to quickly master the basics of chatbot development. Sign up today and start building your own chatbot with Python!

ChatGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) chatbot platform that enables developers to create intelligent chatbot applications powered by the latest advancements in NLP technology. It is designed to be used in customer service, e-commerce, and marketing applications.

This is a beginners course, but you should already know the Python programming language. Besides the Python programming knowledge, there are no requirements for this course. If you want to get started with ChatGPT or build Chat bots or Virtual Assistants, this course is for you!


¡Hola a todos los entusiastas del desarrollo! En este video, les presento un curso fascinante: "Aprende a crear un chat con el API de WhatsApp utilizando MEAN STACK".

¿Qué vamos a abordar en este curso?

En este emocionante viaje de desarrollo, nos sumergiremos en la creación de un chat utilizando el poderoso MEAN STACK (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) y el API de WhatsApp. Desde la gestión de mensajes hasta la integración de funciones interactivas, te guiaré a través de cada paso para que puedas construir tu propio chat utilizando WhatsApp como plataforma.

Tecnologías clave:

Descubriremos cómo utilizar MongoDB para almacenar mensajes, Express.js para construir un backend sólido, Angular para diseñar una interfaz de usuario interactiva, Node.js para una ejecución eficiente y el API de WhatsApp para la integración del servicio de chat.

¿Por qué este curso es para ti?

Este curso está diseñado para desarrolladores web que desean explorar la creación de chats interactivos utilizando el popular servicio de mensajería WhatsApp. Independientemente de tu nivel de experiencia, encontrarás información valiosa para construir tu propio sistema de chat personalizado.

Caracteristicas del Curso:

  • Manejo de API o SDK para el consumo mediante Sandbox de WhatsApp.

  • Plantilla basada en la interfáz gráfica de WhatsApp con base Bootstrap.

  • Uso de sockets para la recepcion de mensajes de WhatsApp.

  • Uso y configuración de Webhooks.

  • Enviar mensajes y videos atraves de mensajes de WhatsApp.

  • FileStorage de los recursos como videos o imagenes en el servidor propio.

  • Grabar y enviar audio atraves de nuestro chat creado.

  • Recepción de Stickers de WhatsApp.

  • Precargadores de contenido.

  • Creación de un osciloscopio para capturar la frecuencia de nuestro audio grabado.

  • Creación y configuración de droplet.

  • Instalación de certificado SSL.

  • Despliegue del proyecto completo a producción.


¡Hola a todos los entusiastas del desarrollo! En este video, les presento un curso fascinante: "Aprende a crear un chat con el API de WhatsApp utilizando MEAN STACK".

¿Qué vamos a abordar en este curso?

En este emocionante viaje de desarrollo, nos sumergiremos en la creación de un chat utilizando el poderoso MEAN STACK (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) y el API de WhatsApp. Desde la gestión de mensajes hasta la integración de funciones interactivas, te guiaré a través de cada paso para que puedas construir tu propio chat utilizando WhatsApp como plataforma.

Tecnologías clave:

Descubriremos cómo utilizar MongoDB para almacenar mensajes, Express.js para construir un backend sólido, Angular para diseñar una interfaz de usuario interactiva, Node.js para una ejecución eficiente y el API de WhatsApp para la integración del servicio de chat.

¿Por qué este curso es para ti?

Este curso está diseñado para desarrolladores web que desean explorar la creación de chats interactivos utilizando el popular servicio de mensajería WhatsApp. Independientemente de tu nivel de experiencia, encontrarás información valiosa para construir tu propio sistema de chat personalizado.

Caracteristicas del Curso:

  • Manejo de API o SDK para el consumo mediante Sandbox de WhatsApp.

  • Plantilla basada en la interfáz gráfica de WhatsApp con base Bootstrap.

  • Uso de sockets para la recepcion de mensajes de WhatsApp.

  • Uso y configuración de Webhooks.

  • Enviar mensajes y videos atraves de mensajes de WhatsApp.

  • FileStorage de los recursos como videos o imagenes en el servidor propio.

  • Grabar y enviar audio atraves de nuestro chat creado.

  • Recepción de Stickers de WhatsApp.

  • Precargadores de contenido.

  • Creación de un osciloscopio para capturar la frecuencia de nuestro audio grabado.

  • Creación y configuración de droplet.

  • Instalación de certificado SSL.

  • Despliegue del proyecto completo a producción.


Attention Please: The ai model in this course is trained to detects bots only. Cannot be used in online matches.

Watch this course for information purposes. Using the methods in this course may get you banned in the game.

Rapidly developing artificial intelligence has outperformed humans in the esports sector, as in most sectors.

I think the use of 3rd party artificial intelligence software in games will increase in the future.

In this course we give a simple introduction to this technology.

This course aims to make auto aiming bot at fps games.

This course contains:

  • how to easily collect data from games,

  • how to label your dataset,

  • how to train your custom model with Yolov5,

  • how to use detecting with your custom model,

  • how to make mouse driver for be able to give mouse input to all games.

With the mouse driver we have made, you can give mouse input to all games.

I published on udemy all materials used in this course like dataset, scripts, arduino leonardo scripts, trained model.

You can follow course easily with use this materials.

I did not explain the codes I wrote in this course in detail. It would be helpful to have basic python knowledge. It will be beneficial for you to know how to install programs such as cuda and python on your computer.

If you use the techniques in this course, there is a possibility that you will be punished by the game be carefull.


Attention Please: The ai model in this course is trained to detects bots only. Cannot be used in online matches.

Watch this course for information purposes. Using the methods in this course may get you banned in the game.

Rapidly developing artificial intelligence has outperformed humans in the esports sector, as in most sectors.

I think the use of 3rd party artificial intelligence software in games will increase in the future.

In this course we give a simple introduction to this technology.

This course aims to make auto aiming bot at fps games.

This course contains:

  • how to easily collect data from games,

  • how to label your dataset,

  • how to train your custom model with Yolov5,

  • how to use detecting with your custom model,

  • how to make mouse driver for be able to give mouse input to all games.

With the mouse driver we have made, you can give mouse input to all games.

I published on udemy all materials used in this course like dataset, scripts, arduino leonardo scripts, trained model.

You can follow course easily with use this materials.

I did not explain the codes I wrote in this course in detail. It would be helpful to have basic python knowledge. It will be beneficial for you to know how to install programs such as cuda and python on your computer.

If you use the techniques in this course, there is a possibility that you will be punished by the game be carefull.